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- If it’s easy it’s not rewarding. Remember those early levels? Where it was so easy to win that you almost wondered whether it was worth bothering with it at all? Well, ditto life. Human nature leans towards us not quite getting the endorphin hit we crave from something we get for little effort or for free. Note to business owners offering freebies to entice customers. Actors offering to do free work for students. In the long run it won’t always help you get ahead.
- Working intuitively will often help you get ahead and the results your want. Trust your instinct, trust your gut and just get going with things. Remember the adage that ‘if we waited for everything to be perfect, nothing would ever get done’? Just put one foot infant of the other and deal with the next thing, then the next thing, then the next.
- Tried and tested methods are ‘nearly’ always the best methods. Don’t reinvent the wheel. If there’s a tried and tested path to the goal or results you’re looking for, don’t waste time (at the early stages of a business or career) trying to find new or better ways to do it.
- You might just strike lucky. Yep, it happens. Your idea or product turns out to be a big hit with …well, everyone. Think Reggae, Reggae, Sauce! Or bigger, Facebook! On which, I recall being in a business meeting with a top sales guy who said, “Oh, it’s a fad, it’ll be something else next year!” Hmm.
- Sometimes you have to work counter-intuitively. You followed your intuition, the tried and tested methods and somehow the numbers aren’t stacking up. Sometimes you have to go against the grain, counter to what you ‘know’ to be true, just to get unstuck, to make a shift…a change, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse, but it gets things moving again. Keep a heightened awareness around working in this way. Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water, but if it ain’t working….!
- Change tactics altogether. We all now know the definition of insanity….’doing the same thing and expecting a different result’. You have to be able to look at your own processes and think “what the hell am I doing wrong here” and change them. This includes simplifying processes, keeping a lean, flexible, workforce and importantly knowing when to swivel.
- Sometimes you’ll think it’s impossible. You’ll think, “well I can never get to the next level there’s just not enough moves available.” Tip: It’s never impossible. They don’t make a game that’s impossible. Same in life, impossible is just ‘a series of obstacles’ to manoeuvre, which might mean learning something new, or finding that expert to help you, or a simple as finding a workaround ‘for now’ to just get things moving again.
- Stop. Don’t be afraid to stop and take a breather to just reflect. The game ain’t going anywhere. It’ll still be there when you’re ready to push on. Just like ‘work’. Sometimes…especially when we’re really overwhelmed and / or bogged down or your head is stuffed full to the brim with projects, your best course of action is to take a day off. You’ll come back stronger and ready to push on (to the next level).
- The reward comes when you crack the code. Or…How to feel like a Master Magician. What a great feeling when you spot the magic formula and everything is smooth sailing for a while (this level!). Just like in business when you hit that sweet spot and find the perfect alchemy for the delivery of your service or the marketing campaign that seemingly speaks to everyone. Don’t start second guessing yourself, just enjoy it while it lasts!
- The reward glow is short-lived…and you’ll be facing the next challenge before you know it. Next Level. You know that thing where you finally receive the certificate through your front door, for that exceedingly tough course you did? And you feel really jubilant..for about five seconds. then you file it away and think “right, what’s next?” Well, that’s about the measure of it.
- Time out. Sometimes you’ve got to take your eye off it all together and do something else. The game (life) will force you to do this whether you want to or not. It’s really important to take a break…a proper break (two weeks holiday?) and think about something else. Sometimes you can get so deep in something that you just can’t see the wood for the trees and that’s neither conducive or productive in life or work. You’ve heard the expression “All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy”? Same effect in reverse!